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Friday, July 29, 2016

It's nice to meet you, Ms. Mason!

I have been reading a lot of books recently about different models of education.  And my goodness, are there a LOT!  Some primary options are Traditional, Classical, Unschooling, Unit Studies, Montessori, Independent Study, Eclectic, Umbrella Programs, and my new favorite...Charlotte Mason. 

Charlotte Mason was a British educator who lived during the 1800's and early 1900's.  She devoted her entire life to children and their education.  Her revolutionary methods have influenced many educators, based on her belief that children were intelligent beings who could be challenged and educated with living ideas.  The hallmarks of a Charlotte Mason education are: copious reading, nature study, humanities studies (art, poetry, music, literature, history, Bible, foreign language), copywork and narration, handicrafts, and above all else, a Christ-centered focus.  A Charlotte Mason education has a structured morning and an unstructured afternoon.  She believed that the books used should be what she calls "living books".  Living books are defined by the Simply Charlotte Mason website as "[books] usually written by one person who has a passion for the subject and writes in conversational or narrative style.  The books pull you into the subject and involve your emotions, so it's easy to remember the events and facts.  Living books make the subject 'come alive'."

This all sounded very much like the kind of education I'd like to give to my daughter.  So we are starting to slowly incorporate more and more of Charlotte Mason's educational practices into our homeschool. Today was a lot of fun!  We had a tea time together in the afternoon where we listened to Classical music and discussed what a waltz was, the four orchestral stringed instruments, and learned a little about Mozart's life.  My daughter told me that Mozart was probably her favorite "musicaller" (musician!).  Ha!  It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.  And on a side note, my heart is happy that my little one loves Earl Grey!  

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ready, Set...Homeschool!

Well, we started our home school about a week ago and so far, everything is going fine.  Today was especially fun.  We learned about Van Gogh's life and painting style.  We talked about the chunky paint strokes, bright colors and swirls that he liked to use.  Then, it was time to make her own painting in the style of Van Gogh.  We added glue to the acrylic paint to thicken it up and then used a fork to scrape some extra "swirls" into it.  She LOVED it!